My third and final year at University.

2021 will be my final year at University (that is if I don’t fail). If you haven’t read my About Me page, I’m studying at Deakin University – completing a bachelor’s degree in communications, digital media. What I can’t believe is that I actually made it. One more year to go and I will be free from studying, seminars, lectures, and assignments. One more year and I’ll be out in the ‘real world’, working a full-time job and really starting adulthood. It’s exciting yet scary at the same time.

I feel as if I should have been better prepared for my final year, but Covid-19 really screwed somethings up. I have compared what it’s like learning on campus and online at University and you can read this here. All I can say is that I hate online learning, it just doesn’t suit me or the way I like to learn. So, my second year wasn’t really the best, and didn’t help me get ready to face my third and final year.

Whilst studying online in 2020, I lost a lot of my motivation. It was just hard to want to do the work as life wasn’t the best for everyone. I didn’t see the point so I therefore didn’t give myself enough time to complete assignments to the best of my abilities, I waited for the recordings of lectures to come out instead of getting up early and actually going to the class on zoom and I didn’t participate as much as I should have. It was a difficult time and wasn’t my best work, so this year I want to change. Become enthusiastic again about learning and work hard so I can end this year right.

The one major thing that I need to do for third year is find an internship for trimester 1. Deakin do have a useful tool that is UniHub, which helps you find advertised jobs and internships in all areas. The problem is securing one. Everyone is competing for them and there are less opportunities available as Covid has caused businesses to shut down or to not have the time/resources to provide an internship.

What bothers me about getting an internship during the pandemic is that it will mostly likely be done from home and I will not be able to fully immerse myself into their environment, and potentially miss out on experiences and opportunities. I want to be able to go into the office, work among their employees, talk to difference people and really gain a feeling of what working in that industry is all about. I feel I won’t get as much out of the internship if I’m doing it from home – some people might like it more, but I’m definitely not one of them.

With it being my final year and if things stay the way they are with Covid-19 being under control in Victoria – I can hopefully make this year the best uni year yet. Joining a club, meeting new people, and working hard.

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